Investing with Purpose
Amidst the uncertainty of our times, we at Reinvestment Fund remain focused on delivering on our mission. In the face of a pandemic, geopolitical turmoil, a climate crisis, racial reckoning, and divisive politics, we continue to be there for those most affected. And we have done that by investing with purpose.
In 2020, we made racial equity a priority in our work by examining and addressing the systemic causes of inequities in our society. This has meant exploring our practices and policies—both within our organization and with our stakeholders—in hopes that we model what we want to see in the world. We have steadfastly continued this journey over the past year.
Our first step was to identify ways to deliver for communities who have historically been excluded from access to capital. The hard truth is that the financial system has created barriers for Black and brown communities. Longstanding biases and systemic racism have impacted borrowers of color on both a small and large scale, resulting in the erosion of wealth-building opportunities for entire communities. As a result, these communities have justifiably become wary of lenders and the fairness of the financial system.
Nearly half (42%) of our lending capital went to primarily Black-led projects, exceeding our original goal of 30%.
Economic justice starts with fair access to capital. Beginning in 2021, we committed to increase our investment in projects led by Black and brown people—and we are making progress. In the past year, we are proud to have made over $220 million in community investments. Nearly half (42%) of our lending capital went to primarily Black-led projects, exceeding our original goal of 30%.
But we need to do better, which requires that we rebuild the trust that our sector has lost with communities of color. As a lender, simply put, that means becoming a better listener. That begins with spending time with those communities and engaging them early in the process to better understand their needs. Healing historic inequities takes time, but it is our hope that these small shifts chip away at years of injustice and gain momentum.
Another reality for communities of color is a longstanding racial bias against families seeking home ownership. Studies show that Black and brown families face discrimination when it comes to buying and selling property, including challenges with fair home appraisals and mortgage approval. Through our research and analysis, we are leading the charge to illuminate these existing biases in the lending community while refining our own approach to underwriting and estimating property values.
We are also going further to help nonprofits and entrepreneurs, particularly women and people of color, develop the capacity to improve performance and ensure the sustainability of their businesses. We formalized Capacity Building and Capital Access Programs as a new line of business dedicated to building and enhancing programs that help people and communities thrive and build assets. That includes helping entrepreneurs understand what it means to take on debt, and demystifying the expectations and consequences of what it means to borrow to build their businesses.
Collaboration and partnerships have always been a vehicle to achieve mission—recognizing that we can get more done together.
Even with the precariousness of our times, we are reassured by the optimism of our partnerships. Collaboration and partnerships have always been a vehicle to achieve mission—recognizing that we can get more done together. That has never been truer than now.
In our home state of Pennsylvania, we saw this as we collaborated with 16 other CDFIs to deliver $250 million in pandemic relief to small businesses across the state—half of which were historically disadvantaged. Thanks to the support we provided collectively, thousands of businesses have stayed open amidst adversity, and tens of thousands of jobs remained secure.
Partnerships are also the foundation of our commitment to serving the needs of Historically Black Colleges & Universities that support Black students and the communities surrounding the schools. Working together with partners and stakeholders, we are improving cross-sector collaboration through dialogue, bringing flexible capital, and advancing a policy framework for equitable funding for these Black-led institutions.
In this report, you will read about the successes over the past year. But we can only do what we do with the support of partners like you.
Thank you for your continued alliance as we invest in our mission to create a thriving and equitable future for historically excluded communities and individuals.
Together, we will continue to lift up communities and transform lives.
Don Hinkle-Brown
President and CEO
Mark Zandi
Chairman of the Board
2021 Impact in Numbers
permanent jobs
people positively impacted
healthy food retail outlets in areas underserved
2.7 million
sq. ft. of commercial real estate & community facility space
222,979 MMBTUs
energy conserved and created annually
educational opportunities for students
minority- or women-owned/controlled businesses
Our investments are proudly aligned with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Financial Summary
Performance, 2014-2021
Financing Transactions* Closed in Calendar Year 2021
$223 Million
Select Financial Data ($ in Thousands)
For a full set of financial statements, DOWNLOAD THE CY2021 AUDIT REPORT.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Black Philadelphia Renters Face Eviction at More Than Twice the Rate of White Renters
Florida Times Union
Edward Waters University's Future Looking Bright as it Continues to Transform
The New York Times
The Resilience of New York’s Black Homeowners
Smithsonian Magazine
Why Museums Are Primed to Address Racism, Inequality in the U.S.
In 2021, more than 600 individuals, faith-based organizations, financial institutions, governments, and philanthropies supported Reinvestment Fund’s work through our Promissory Note program, program-related and other investments, charitable donations, grants, and contracts.
We are grateful for your trust and financial support, which makes our work possible. We are also proud to say that nearly 25% of Reinvestment Fund staff are also investors.
INVEST with us today.
Investors and equity contributors
- Faith Abbey
- Adina Abramowitz
- Carolyn T. Adams
- Ruth Nelson Allen
- Andrea R. Allon
- Donna K. Altschuler
- Marynell Anderson
- Marcia L. Angermann
- Elizabeth Daniels Anton
- Mary Beth Appel and Johanna M. Berrigan
- Ina Elfant Asher
- Dr. Charna O. Axelrod
- Marcy K. Bacine and Daniel E. Bacine
- Benjamin C. Baehr and Allison CM Baehr
- John K. Ball and Elinor R. Ball
- Olivia Grace Bance and Nyya Wellington Bance
- Judith H. Banks
- Richard S. Barkley
- Natalie K. Barndt
- Jerriette K. Bartlett and Allen L. Bartlett
- Ruth Batts
- Todd, Ariella, & Mira Baylson and the Baylson Partnership
- Paul W. Beach, Jr.
- Cathy J. Behar and Saul A. Behar
- Joan H. Behr
- Teri Bell
- Charles J. Bentz and Mary C. Bentz
- Joan Bergsteinsson and Paul Bergsteinsson
- Cheryl Anne Bettigole and Adam Zeff
- Jane Robin Bilger
- Allen D. Black
- Bart Blatstein
- Elayne Blender
- John D. Bloom and Amy E. Farrell
- Cheryl O. Blunt and Elson O. Blunt
- Linda Blyth and Alden Blyth
- Jean Bodine
- Stuart E. Bogom
- Viki Bok and Dick Jones
- Nathan Boon
- Edith F. Borie
- Andrew K. Boucher
- Margaret Berger Bradley
- David Thomas Bradley
- Noah B. Bradley
- Amy A Brodigan Trust
- Nancy M. Brokaw and David H. Sanders
- Elise Bromberg and Milton Cohen
- Joshua Brooks
- Nancy Brosius and William R. Brosius
- Marland E. Buckner
- Cari Bryce
- Benjamin David Burenstein
- Scott Burris and Margaret S. Lee
- John A. Burton IV
- Robert Butera
- Mary M. Butler
- Daniel B. Butler
- Thomas James Butler III
- Stacey L. Butterfield
- Catherine M. Califano
- Geoffrey E. Campen
- Catherine C. Carr and Louis N. Tannen
- Cary Ambler Carter
- Howard M. Casper
- Carla C. Castillo
- Harry E. Cerino
- Arun Chalgeri
- Jenny W. Chen
- Sandra J. Choukroun
- Jean-Marc Choukroun
- Jolley Bruce Christman
- Carroll H. Clay and Joseph V. F. Clay
- Robert Hogan Closkey
- M. Pilar Closkey and C. Sean Closkey
- Helen J. Closkey
- John M. Closkey
- Wendy Buckwalter Coffman
- Angela H. Coghlan
- Michele Coghlan and Thomas Coghlan
- David P. Cohen
- Linda Cohen and Burton Cohen
- Ivy L. Cohn and Stephen L. Cohn
- Rebekah Beth Cook-Mack
- Michelle H. Cooney and Robert L. Cooney
- Justin Copeland
- Betsey S. Corkran
- Elizabeth Corso and Matthew T. Corso
- Elizabeth A. Covert & Denis M. Goudie Tenants in Common
- Isabel P. Cox-Johnson
- The Coyote Trust
- Kristin Crandall
- Anthony B. Creamer
- Andrew J. Crerand
- Paula S. Crist
- Michael M. Crist
- Michael A. Crist
- Andrew J. Crist
- Marian B. Dalke
- Mary Daniel and Ralph Cook
- Ann G. Davidoff and Frank F. Davidoff
- Michael A. Davis Jr.
- Ellen Deacon
- Jacqueline DeCarlo
- Fred T. Dedrick
- Jeffrey Dekro
- Jose Alfredo Dela-Pena
- Dana Devon
- Margaret M. Doud
- Emily Dowdall
- Karen Dunkman
- Trilby Galen duPont Trust
- Jennifer D. Duskey and Peter J. Duskey
- Noel Eisenstat
- Ben Eisenstat
- Aaron Eisenstat
- The Elizabeth B. and
Arthur E. Roswell Foundation, Inc - Paul S. Ellis and Mary Lynn H. Ellis
- Wendy M. Emrich and James S. Emrich
- Jane Erickson
- Ollie M. Ervin
- Jeremy Graf Evans
- William H. Ewing
- Rachel Falkove-Masch and Michael J. Falkove-Masch
- Jennifer E. Fassbender and Christian P. Fassbender
- Rabbi Jennifer E. Feldman
- Rebecca Fellerman
- Janet L. Filante
- James T. Fleming
- Donna C. Folkemer
- Joseph Freedman
- Dayle Friedman
- Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer and Seth Fuchs-Kreimer
- Frank F. Furstenberg and Nina Segre
- Gadfly Trust
- Lisa R. Gaffney
- Sarah B Gamble Trust
- Barbara Gandy
- Daniel K. Garofalo and Felicity H. Paxton
- Carissa Gendrachi
- Mary R. Gibbs
- Timothy F. Gillespie and Katherine Gillespie
- Eva Gladstein
- Theresa Glennon and Jeffrey Lawrence Dunoff
- Steven A. Goldfield
- Diane Goldman and Otha Goldman
- Jill and Michael Goldman
- Abraham S. Goldstein
- Ira J. Goldstein
- Sophia Barringer Gordon
- Michael Gordon
- Scott H. Gordon
- Edward J. Gracely
- Marshal Granor and Tamar E. Granor
- Patricia Griffin
- David Haas
- Phyllis Haas
- David Haddad
- Phoebe A. Haddon
- Constance C. Haggard and Richard A. Haggard
- Heidi Hansan
- Rev. Debra J. Hansen
- Nicole Vance Harris
- Judith Edquist Hartl and Konrad Palmer Hartl
- Michaela B. Hartman
- Jeremiah J. Hayes
- Daniel F. Hayes
- Pamela Heier and Ronald Heier
- Joseph A. Herwig and Elizabeth A. Herwig
- Anne Hilton and David Hilton
- Donald R. Hinkle-Brown and
Christopher M. Hinkle-Brown - Jill Horn
- Desmond Todd Hudson
- Drew Humphries and Daniel P. Tompkins
- Jesse Hunting
- Mary Hurtig and Howard Hurtig
- Christina Kind
- Jeffrey Robert Jaeger
- Dana Lynn Johnson
- Kayla A. Jones, Nia A. Jones and Khalilah Jones
- Jenny W. Chen and Brian J. Jordan
- Amanda Joseph
- Claire Louise Jurkowski
- Julia G Kahrl Trust
- Noel E. Karasin
- The Karuna Trust
- Stephen L. Kazanjian
- Seamus E. Kearney and Joan D. Lukas
- Robert E. Keith and Margot W. Keith
- Anne Kellett and Morris Kellett
- Barbara Ann Kelley
- Arlene W. Kelly
- Sharon A. Kershbaum
- Theodore W. Kheel
- Sandra Kheradi
- Sue Ellen Klein
- Mary W. Klein and Justin P. Klein
- Kenneth L. Klothen and Eve Biskind Klothen
- Kirsten Knauer
- Andrea Knox
- George A. Korein
- Alan Kosansky
- Jennifer Kraft
- Vicki W. Kramer and Donald W. Kramer
- Sara J. Landis and Adam B. Garber
- Earl W. Laney
- Bernard S. Langer
- Eaton E. Lattman
- Suzanne O. Laurito
- Steven S. Lazin
- James and Eleanor Lee
- Roy J. Lehman
- David G. Lewis
- Charisse R. Lillie
- Herbert James Lindley
- Beth Lipson and David Lipson
- Margaret Lobenstine & Geoffrey Lobenstine
- Geoffrey E. Lobenstine
- Lance S. Loethen and Terra R. Edenhart-Pepe
- Trinita Logue
- Thomas A. Love and Gregory DeShields
- James J. Lynch and Kathleen G. Lynch
- Stanley T. Hibberd, III
- Theodore L. Hill, lll
- Julie F. Cristol and Theodore L. Hill
- Amanda M. High
- Linda P. Manzo
- Jonathan H. Marshall
- Anthony B. Maruca and Jennifer R. Vail
- Carolyn J. Mather and Ariel Matthew Hoenig
- Carolyn J. Mather
- Linda Schairer Matlack
- Dawn Matthews-Martin
- Emily L. Mattole and Donovan D. Mattole
- Katherine Maus
- Sarah Linden Maus
- Eloisa Mayr
- Jacob McAlister
- Patricia McBee and Bradley Sheeks
- Michael D. McClary
- Thomas L. McClellan
- Laura McKenna and Marc McKenna
- Laura McKenna
- Anne Kind McKenna
- Marie K. McKenna
- Joseph E. and Susannah C. McQuillan
- Joseph E. McQuillan
- Molly R. Melloh
- Judith S. Memberg
- Sylvia L. Metzler
- Howard Meyers
- Lydia Y.B. Midwood
- Faith B. Midwood and John E. Midwood
- Joyce E. Miller
- Michael Martin Mills
- Elizabeth A. and Charles J. Minnich
- Elizabeth Minnich
- Vonetta Moore
- Alan E. Morrison and Amy V. Morrison
- Savannah W. Mudd and Jenifer A. Mudd
- Stephen P. Mullin
- Joan Munkanta
- Stephen Mygatt
- Pamela B. Nelson
- Harriet B. Newburger
- Elizabeth Nordell
- Michael Norton
- Laura Novo and Stephen P. Chawaga
- Donna Leuchten Nuccio and Joseph Nuccio
- Elizabeth Anne O'Donnell
- Karen E. Orso
- Carl Oxholm and Kimberly C. Oxholm
- Sara Susan Palmer
- Patricia A. Patrizi
- Kim D. Paymaster and David L. Wade
- Steven J. Perkiss & Cindy S. Perkiss
- Andrew I. Philipsborn and Jane R. Bilger
- Robert Philipson and Dorothy Philipson
- Leah Pillsbury
- Valerie G. Piper
- Ruth E. B. Podolin
- Robert Pollack
- Anne Bowen Poulin and John E. Poulin
- Joan M. Powell
- Andrew M. Rachlin
- Allyson B. Randolph
- Susan C. Rassas
- Julia V. Read
- Ruth N. Reed
- Myra Reichel and Louis Cataldo
- Lisa Renstrom
- Diana VK Resek
- Nicolas P. Retsinas and Joan M. Retsinas
- John and Silenia Rhoads
- Carol A. Rice
- Willard C. Richan
- Elizabeth R. Richman and Hershel J. Richman
- Fernando Chang-Muy and Leonard Rieser
- Leonard Rieser
- Charles G. Roach and Nancy Roach
- George B. Roberts
- Joan C. Roberts
- Margarita Rose and Robert Tuttle
- Timothy Roseboro
- Beth Rosenbaum
- Ariel R. Rosenberg
- Katrina H. Rouse
- David Rudovsky
- Rev. E. Kyle Saint Claire
- Robert G. Sanders
- Krish Santosh, Leela Santosh, and Kavita Vijayan
- Barbara A. Sarcinello and Joseph Sarcinello
- Andrew Whalen Saul
- Cecilia Schickel and Susan M. Hight
- Maryanne Schiller
- Steven M. Schnell and Lisa K. Schnell
- Lawrence Schofer and Jane E. Schofer
- William Mitchell Schotanus and
Arleen Griffeth Schotanus - Marc Schwartz
- Michael R. Schwartz
- MacKenzie Scott
- Daniel Segal
- Patricia Segal and Stephen Segal
- Nina Selsor
- Andrea Serbonich
- Julia Serbulov
- Barry J. Seymour and Jody R. Piltz-Seymour
- Meghan Shaner
- Catherine N. Shelton
- Victor F Sheronas & Elisa L Sheronas
- Simran Sidhu and Ravi Acharya
- Randi J. Siegel and John M. Harris
- Ruth L. Sigal
- Jerome D. Smalley
- Marie Smart and John Smart
- Anthony E. Smith
- Patricia L. Smith and Elbert Sampson
- Jennifer Langer Smith
- Jonathan Roberts Snipes
- Matt Soloff
- E. Morgan Spade and Matthew Spade
- Julie Spahr
- Tad Sperry
- Howard Spodek
- Chris Steinbaugh
- Dylan J. Steinberg and Amey A. Hutchins
- Carolyn K. Stephens and Bruce M. Stephens
- Sara Vernon Sterman
- Christopher Michael Sterman
- Jacob M.W. Sterman
- Tabitha Grace Vernon Sterman
- Kathleen Stevens and Leonard Stevens
- Patricia Stewart
- Andrew Stone and Gene Bishop
- Catherine Walker Stradley
- William JT Strahan and Marie A. Strahan
- Seth & Claire Subik
- John S. Summers
- Meghan M. Swan
- Christina M. Szczepanski and Adam T. Szczepanski
- Francis Talarowski and Susan Best
- Joshua I. Tauberer
- Phyllis B. Taylor and Richard K. Taylor
- Van C. Temple and Eva M. Abbott
- Kara J. Tennis
- Betsy Teutsch and David Teutsch
- Patricia R. Thomas and Thomas McK. Thomas
- David B. Thornburgh
- Dana W. Toedtman and Craig B. Toedtman
- Jane Toll
- Raymond J. Torres & Eileen M. Gilkenson
- Rekha Unnithan
- James M. Utterback and Danielle A. Stillman
- Paul M. Van Cleve and Martha C. Van Cleve
- Ryan VanderMeulen
- Thomas M. Vernon and M. Patricia West Vernon
- Robert and Alice Vernon
- Sandeep Wadhwa and Lara Jakubowski
- Tara Elisabeth Hislip
- Nancy Wagner-Hislip and Brian Hislip
- Geraldine Wang
- Paula M. Waxman
- Elliot Weinbaum
- Abigail Weinberg
- Cheryl Linda Weiss
- Patricia D. Wellenbach
- Patricia P.B. Wells
- Barbara Wertz-Leiden and Charles Leiden
- Pamela West
- John A. Westrum
- Judith Ann Wicks
- Bridget S. and Gregory A. & Wiedeman
- Denise A. Williams-Shannon
- Alan L. Wilson
- Amy J. Wilson
- The Rev. William Wood
- Robert J. Woodruff and Lucy W. Duff
- Mark M. Zandi
- Annabel Zinn
- Sydelle Zove and Stephen J. Kaufman
- Gail Zukerman
- We also thank those supporters who wish to remain anonymous, as well as the clients of:
- Clean Yield, Freshpond Capital, Glenmede Trust, Loring Wolcott & Coolidge, Pathstone, Penn Trust, Trillium – Charles Schwab, and Veris Wealth Partners.
Faith-based Institutions
Investors and equity contributors
- Arch Street United Methodist Church
- Atlantic-Midwest Province of The School Sisters of Notre Dame
- Augustinians
- Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
- Brandywine Deanery, Episcopal Diocese of PA
- Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation
- Bucks Deanery
- Cathedral Church of The Saviour
- Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting
- Christ Church In Philadelphia
- Church of St. Asaph
- Church of The Good Samaritan
- Church of The Holy Trinity
- Congregation of The Sisters, Servants of The I.H.M.
- Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy
- Dominican Sisters of Peace
- Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, Church Fdn.
- Episcopal Urban Caucus
- First United Methodist Church of Germantown
- FSC DENA Endowment Trust
- Germantown Jewish Centre
- Grace Episcopal Church, Hulmeville
- Grey Nuns of The Sacred Heart
- Haddonfield Friends Meeting
- IHM Congregation Charitable Trust
- Jewish Employment and Vocational Service
- Mercy Health System
- Missionary Servants of The Most Blessed Trinity
- Pennypack Deanery
- Presbytery of Philadelphia
- Religious of The Assumption North American Province
- Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
- Sisters of St. Joseph
- Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
- Sisters, Servants of The I.H.M. (Legacy)
- Society of Holy Child Jesus
- St. Andrew's Church, Yardley
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church (West Vincent)
- St. Francis-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church
- St. James Episcopal Church of Kingsessing
- St. James Episcopal Church, Langhorne
- St. John's Episcopal Church
- St. Joseph's University
- St. Mary's Church At The Cathedral
- St. Mary's Medical Center
- St. Peter's Church In The Great Valley
- St. Peter's Church of Philadelphia Endowment Fund
- St. Thomas of Villanova Church
- Swarthmore Friends Meeting
- The Sisters of Charity of The Incarnate Word
- Trinity Episcopal Church, Swarthmore
- Trinity Health
- Vaad: Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia
Financial Institutions
Investors and equity contributors
- Amboy National Bank
- Bank of America
- Bryn Mawr Trust Company
- Capital One
- Chase New Markets Corporation
- ESSA Bank and Trust
- Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh
- Fulton Bank, NA
- Howard Bank
- JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
- JPMorgan Chase Community Development Corporation
- Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
- MECU of Baltimore, Inc
- Northern Trust
- PNC Bank, NA
- PNC Community Development Company, LLC
- PNC Community Partners, Inc
- Republic First Bank
- Rosedale Federal Savings and Loan Association
- Second Federal Savings and Loan
- TD Banknorth, NA
- Truist Bank
- Univest Bank and Trust
- Wells Fargo
- Wells Fargo Regional Foundation
- Woodforest National Bank
Corporate, Civic, and Government
Investors and equity contributors
- Abell Foundation
- Amalgamated Abstract Company of PA Inc.
- Amazon Smile
- Arthur L. and Geraldine C. Schneeberg Foundation
- Baltimore City
- Barra Foundation
- Blackbaud Giving Fund
- Bon Secours Mercy Health
- Burke Foundation
- Carol and F. Otto Haas Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
- Center for Economic Policy Analysis
- City of Denton
- City of Philadelphia
- CDFI Community Investment Fund I, LLC
- College of Notre Dame Maryland
- Columbus Property Management and Development, Inc.
- Community Design Collaborative of AIA Philadelphia
- Community Development Loan and Investment Fund, Inc.
- Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.
- Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
- County Of Northampton
- Customized Energy Solutions
- Department of Housing and Community Development
- Drumcliff Foundation
- Emory University Goizueta Impact Investors
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
- Friends Fiduciary Corporation
- Frontiers International Philadelphia Club
- Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students
- Health Federation of Philadelphia
- Heinz Endowment
- Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- JPB Foundation
- City of Kansas City
- Kauffman Foundation
- Laura Marshall Trust
- Living Cities Catalyst Fund LLC
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation
- May 8 Consulting, Inc.
- NeighborWorks America
- New Jersey Community Capital
- New Jersey Economic Development Authority
- New Orleans Redevelopment Authority
- Oak Foundation
- Merck Family Fund
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
- Opportunity Finance Network
- Otto Haas Charitable Trust
- Oxholm Family Fund
- Patricia Kind Family Foundation
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
- Pennsylvania CDFI Network
- Philadelphia Chapter of The AIA
- Philadelphia Contributionship
- Philadelphia Parent Child Center
- Pink House Foundation, Inc.
- Plowshare Farm, Inc
- Polis Holding Group, LLC
- Profit Point Fund
- Public Health Management Corporation
- Regional Housing Legal Services, Inc.
- Richmond Memorial Health Foundation
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- RSF Social Finance
- Samuel S. Fels Fund
- The Allen Hilles Fund
- The Annie E. Casey Foundation
- The Bainum Family Foundation
- The Baltimore Community Foundation, Inc.
- The Elaine and Vincent Bell Foundation
- The Homeless Assistance Fund, Inc.
- The Kresge Foundation
- The Leo & Peggy Pierce Family Foundation
- The Philadelphia Foundation, Inc.
- The Sunderland Foundation
- Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation
- Trustees of Green Street Monthly Meeting
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- University of Pennsylvania
- U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
- U.S. Small Business Association
- Valentine Foundation
- van Ameringen Foundation
- Vanguard Charitable
- Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
- West Penn Power
- Westrum Urban Opportunity, LP
- William Penn Foundation