The City of Baltimore was awarded funding by the Maryland Public Service Commission’s Customer Investment Fund for energy efficiency. The City Energy Office is partnering with two local non-profit organizations - Reinvestment Fund and Healthy Neighborhoods - to provide low-interest loans to non-profit and for-profit small businesses that support a strong, stable and growing future for Baltimore. Healthy Neighborhoods will be providing loans for energy projects costing less than $150,000 and Reinvestment Fund will be financing energy project costs costing $150,000 and above.
Experience shows that building owners can make cost-effective energy improvements that will improve comfort, lower utility bills and benefit the environment. The mission of the Baltimore Energy Initiative Loan Program is to help building owners understand, finance and implement a range of energy measures to reduce energy waste in their buildings.
Eligible Projects
The BEI Loan Program will provide financing for energy projects with buildings located in the City of Baltimore in a
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New Markets Tax Credit eligible census tract or a Baltimore Main Streets District. There are four categories of eligible energy project:
Limited energy retrofit measures in an existing, occupied building. This category includes the replacement of a piece of energy equipment or a single energy system.
Extensive whole-building energy retrofit measures in an existing building. This category is for a comprehensive energy project where the building owner installs a number of different energy measures to improve the whole building’s energy use.
Energy measures in Gut Rehab projects. A gut rehab is when an existing building is stripped to its walls and floors and extensively renovated, with new electrical, mechanical, plumbing and other systems.
Energy measures in New Construction projects.
Eligible project must meet certain energy savings goals. Please review the Loan Program Guidelines document for more information about eligible projects and the energy analysis needed to support the claimed energy savings for each of the different types of projects.
Eligible Borrowers
The BEI Loan Program provides loans to:
Non-profit organizations
For-profit small businesses
Real estate project developers
Please review the Loan Program Guidelines document for more information about eligible borrowers.
All the materials you need to get started are available below for download.
BEI Loan Program Brochure - A quick overview of the BEI Loan Program.
Loan Program Guidelines - Detailed information about the key aspects of the BEI Loan program, including eligibility and loan terms. The document also includes information about the energy analysis needed to support the claimed energy savings for each of the different types of projects.
Initial Financing Request Form - This two-page form is the first step in the process of applying for financing from the BEI Loan Program.
List of Energy Measures Spreadsheet
- A list of project energy measures that can be financed by the BEI Loan Program
You can submit any questions you have about the BEI Loan Program to:
Your email will be automatically forwarded to program staff at the City, Reinvestment Fund and Healthy Neighborhoods, and the appropriate person will answer your questions.
To speak with one of the program staff, please select one of the following:
For general questions:
Anne Draddy,
Baltimore Department of General Services
For questions about small projects (costing less than $150,000):
Rahn Barnes,
Healthy Neighborhoods Inc.
410.332.0387 x154
For questions about larger projects (costing $150,000 or more):
Dana Johnson, Reinvestment Fund
For technical questions about energy measures or the energy savings analysis:
Roger Clark, Reinvestment Fund