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Community of Practice 2024: Summary Report


What’s Driving Post-Pandemic Black-White Mortgage Access Gaps? A Spotlight on 10 Southeastern Cities


Initial Evaluation of the City of Philadelphia’s Renters’ Access Act

The Renters’ Access Act (RAA) articulated what the City of Philadelphia defines as uniform tenant screening criteria, creates a right to dispute a landlord’s decision to decline an application from a prospective tenant, and right to a next available unit should the dispute produce evidence that the prospective tenant was a qualified applicant.


Developing A Place-Based Approach to Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Build From Within Alliance

In 2020, Reinvestment Fund partnered with the Build from Within Alliance (BfWA) and University of Pennsylvania’s Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP) to participate in an Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Knowledge Challenge to explore the place-based work of BfWA members.


Examining the Accuracy, Uniformity & Equity of Philadelphia’s 2023 Real Estate Assessments


Lessons From Ten Years Studying Philadelphia’s Childcare Sector


Why Many Philadelphians Cannot Afford Affordable Housing: Estimating an Alternative Area Median Income for the City/County of Philadelphia


Housing Funding in Philadelphia: Evaluating the Impact of Public Spending


Early Learning Supply & Demand in the District of Columbia (Series)


Limited Supermarket Access Analysis


Estimating Changes in the Supply of and Demand for Child Care in Philadelphia (Series)


Eviction Diversion in Philadelphia: Evaluation of Efforts to Reduce Eviction Filings in Two Program Phases


Housing Funding in Philadelphia: The Sources and Uses of Public Dollars

Philadelphia, like many large cities, directs a considerable amount of money each year to meet its residents’ needs for quality affordable housing and related services. Over three recent fiscal years (2021-2023), local public sector entities expended nearly $2.3 billion on housing.


Mortgage Lending in Philadelphia: Key Take-Aways from the 2022 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data Release


Implementing Right to Counsel in Philadelphia: An Evaluation of the Program’s 2022 Rollout


Disparities in Appraised Values and Contract Sales Prices in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area


The Impact of Eviction and Cultural Engagement on Social Wellbeing: An Application of Ecometrics in Philadelphia

Over the past quarter century, social scientists have taken a renewed interest in neighborhood ecology. The term ecometrics describes the empirical investigation of neighborhood effects. We take an “ecometric” approach to examine two contemporary phenomena—involuntary residential movement (household eviction) and the concentration of cultural assets within neighborhoods—to examine how they might influence individual dimensions of social wellbeing and patterns of social wellbeing across Philadelphia.


Mortgage Lending in Philadelphia: Key Take-Aways from the 2021 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data Release


Child Care Access in Metro Atlanta


Investor Home Purchases and the
Rising Threat to Owners and Renters: Tales from 3 Cities


A Call to Action for HBCU Investment


Philadelphia Home Appraisal Bias Task Force Report and Recommendations


Supporting Locally Driven Community Development: The Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund


Barriers to Homeownership


Understanding Infant and Toddler Care in Philadelphia: Capacity, Shortages, and Barriers


Capitalizing Child Care: The National Landscape of Grants, Loans, and Community Development Capital in Early Childhood Education & Child Care Finance Map


Evidence-Based Policy Making

An analysis of six strategies to stabilize neighborhoods, this report examines policy interventions used to stabilize or revitalize housing markets in low- and middle-income neighborhoods.


Emergency Response: An overview of the Philadelphia Emergency Fund for the Stabilization of Early Education (PEFSEE) program

March 2020 was a precarious time for childcare businesses in Pennsylvania and across the US. In response to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus. This report provides an overview of the Philadelphia Emergency Fund for the Stabilization of Early Education (PEFSEE) program and its accomplishments to-date. The report highlights how emergency resources administered through PEFSEE helped stabilize provider.


Mortgage Lending in Philadelphia Key Take-Aways from the 2020 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data Release

The release of 2020 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data provide an opportunity to look at the local mortgage lending environment – trends in loan volume, the kinds of loans being made, where loans are made, how efficiently different groups can access credit, and how key features of originated mortgages vary across different racial groups in Philadelphia.


Estimating Changes in the Supply of and Demand for Child Care in Philadelphia (2021)

This report presents the results of descriptive and spatial analyses of the child care landscape in Philadelphia in 2021 as the economy was beginning to re-open. It details both short- and long-term changes in the supply of, demand for, and gaps in care; the year-to-year changes from 2020 to 2021, as well as shifts since the first analyses were conducted in 2014.


Estimating Changes in the Supply of and Demand for Child Care in Philadelphia (2021)

This report presents the results of descriptive and spatial analyses of the child care landscape in Philadelphia in 2021 as the economy was beginning to re-open. It details both short- and long-term changes in the supply of, demand for, and gaps in care; the year-to-year changes from 2020 to 2021, as well as shifts since the first analyses were conducted in 2014.


New Orleans Market Assessment – Analysis of Trends and Conditions

How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the affordable housing landscape in New Orleans, and how can policymakers respond? This  report by Reinvestment Fund reviews demographic, economic, and housing market data prior to and immediately following the start of the pandemic, as well as interviews with local experts and stakeholders. The report concludes with a set of geographically targeted policy recommendations.


Words from the Field: Practitioner Perspectives on Eviction Process Improvements in Philadelphia

Since April 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and the evictions moratorium have drastically reduced Landlord-Tenant court activity, allowing Philadelphia renters to stay in their homes during a period when an eviction would subject them to risk of contracting and spreading the virus.


The Impact of COVID-19 on The Use of Child Care Works Subsidy in Philadelphia

This brief describes Child Care Works (CCW) usage across Philadelphia and the impact of COVID-19 on program participation.


An “All-Out” Effort to Achieve Desegregation and Equality of Opportunity: Assessment of Fair Housing 2.0

Fair housing law is an essential tool to achieving racial and economic integration and realizing the attendant benefits for all types of communities. This brief draws on structured interviews conducted by Reinvestment Fund and the University of Pennsylvania with former officials at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), local housing officials in New Orleans, Houston, Kansas City (MO), Indianapolis, and Philadelphia, and fair housing experts and advocates.


Debt Collection in Philadelphia

Reinvestment Fund conducted analysis of Philadelphia Municipal Court records for debt collection cases that were filed in Small Claims court between January 2016 and April 2020. In total, 90,809 case records were obtained for analysis.


Data-Driven Investments in Early Childhood Education are Making a Difference for Philadelphia Families, Small Businesses and Neighborhoods

Since 2014, Reinvestment Fund’s Fund for Quality (FFQ) and Early Childhood Education Loan Fund (ECE-LF) have been making investments to support the expansion of high-quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) opportunities throughout Philadelphia. From 2014 to 2019, the FFQ and ECE-LF have supported 51 projects at 46 unique centers, which have created or preserved 3,246 ECE high-quality seats across the city. These seats serve a diverse population of high-need families across the city.


Evictions in Philadelphia: Race (and Place) Matters

Reinvestment Fund’s research report provides new insight into how many Black and Hispanic renters in Philadelphia face an eviction filing compared to other racial and ethnic groups. While previous research has documented the persistent, statistically significant effect of Census tract-level racial composition on filing volume, this is the first look at the racial and ethnic characteristics of the universe of residential eviction defendants.


Residential Rental Property Owner Perspectives and Practices in Philadelphia: Evaluating Challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic

A research brief by Reinvestment Fund and the Housing Initiative at Penn (HIP) that examines the experiences and perspectives of residential rental property owners and managers in Philadelphia. The brief examines challenges that landlords faced—including how they dealt with evictions—prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; new or increased difficulties stemming from the pandemic; and landlords’ engagement with and attitudes towards programs aimed at stabilizing tenants in rental housing.


Getting Back to Care: Findings from a Philadelphia Survey on Restarting Early Childhood Education

Reinvestment Fund and its partners – the City of Philadelphia Office of Children and Families, Public Health Management Corporation and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey – surveyed parents who have used or intend to use childcare in Philadelphia.


How Data and Market Analytics Support Strategic Code Enforcement; Mt Vernon, NY

In 2019, the city of Mount Vernon partnered with the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Tolemi, and Reinvestment Fund through the Cities for Responsible Investment and Strategic Enforcement initiative (Cities RISE) to begin implementing a strategic code enforcement system guided by robust data and market analytics.


Understanding 21st Century Gaps in Homeownership Between White and non-White Households in Pennsylvania

In 2019 Policy Solutions partnered with Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) to conduct a study of historical patterns of homeownership rates for different racial/ethnic groups throughout the 21st century. The study findings highlight the ongoing persistence of gaps in White and non-White homeownership throughout Pennsylvania.


Cleveland Tax Abatement Study

Reinvestment Fund completed a study of the City of Cleveland’s residential tax abatement program. The study examined 15 years of abatement activity to identify patterns of where abatement activity has been most concentrated, to understand the fiscal impacts the abatement has had on local tax revenues, and to identify opportunities to update the program in response to contemporary market conditions in the city.


Resolving Landlord-Tenant Disputes: An Analysis of Judgments by Agreement in Philadelphia’s Eviction Process

In this Brief, Reinvestment Fund reviews the learnings from an analysis of JBAs as well as interviews with tenants and landlords (and their respective attorneys) and court observation.


Rural Food Access Investment Area Analysis

Across the country, 17.3 million rural U.S. residents lack equitable access to supermarkets. Reinvestment Fund’s new Rural Food Access Investment Area (RFAIA) analysis, uses 2012-2106 Census data to determine 11.3 million underserved rural residents live in areas that could support new or expanded food retail options. Despite the need for improved access to fresh and healthy foods in rural areas, many analyses of food access—and many investments to improve food access—have focused on urban areas.


Estimating Changes in the Supply of and Demand for Child Care in Philadelphia (2019)

In 2014, with support from The William Penn Foundation, Reinvestment Fund conducted an initial analysis of the supply of and demand for child care in Philadelphia to identify areas of the city where targeted investments could help address shortages of high-quality child care. Now in its sixth update, Reinvestment Fund’s 2019 childcare analysis provides updated estimates to track the change over time in the supply of, demand for, and shortages in child care.


Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund Toolkit


Mortgage Lending in Philadelphia: Key Take-Aways from the 2018 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data Release

Each year, the federal government releases a comprehensive database on mortgage lending activities across the US based on activity reported by lending institutions under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). This year, there were a number of changes to the database; some changes from 2015 revisions expanded what we can know about mortgage applications (e.g., the age of borrowers) and other 2017-era changes limited that knowledge (e.g., suppressing applicant credit information). Read the report to see what the data reveals about mortgage lending activity in Philadelphia.