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K-12 Education


High-quality schools are integral to helping students succeed and building strong communities. Reinvestment Fund is committed to supporting schools that create equitable learning environments for all students. We work with start-up and early stage schools with limited liquidity, experienced operators expanding to new geographies, and mature programs seeking affordable financing for a permanent home.

Our Approach

As a long-time lender to schools, Reinvestment Fund has delivered flexible financing that supports the real estate development needs of schools providing quality education outcomes. We have always gone beyond the financial story that audits and projections tell, seeking to conduct a multifaceted review of a school’s program. We observe classes in session and engage in discussion with school staff to assess the experience of the leadership team, student engagement and demand, and whether the program is outperforming its peers on traditional markers of success such as standardized assessments and graduation rates.

Our Lending

Reinvestment Fund draws upon over two decades of experience in creating innovative facility financing solutions for K-12 schools. As a lender and partner, we provide technical assistance and capital to operators in all stages of organizational development. We structure financing to minimize ongoing facilities costs and close the gaps that may stand in the way of a successful project.

Charter school lending is an essential component of our work. Charter operators are faced with significant facilities challenges, and credit enhancement awarded to Reinvestment Fund by the U.S. Department of Education enables us to provide more flexible financing to ensure schools can open and operate in buildings that best serve their program’s needs. Credit enhancement allows us to provide loan-to-value limits up to 100%, leasehold or second position collateral, longer interest-only periods, and predevelopment loans.

Vicksburg High School
Read Impact Story
Ethos Classical Charter School
Read Impact Story
Lillie May Carroll Jackson Charter School
Read Impact Story

For more information, contact

Donna Nuccio
Senior Director, National Community Facilities

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