We use our tools and resources to advance equity and reduce racial disparities that stem from historic and systemic racism.
Drive our work by increasing equity of access to resources that strengthen communities and create economic opportunity.
We innovate with market and evidence-based, scalable solutions that yield economic growth in low-wealth communities.
Accurate data and objective analyses lead to wiser decisions in allocating capital and advising public policies.
Effective community impact is a sustained process of action and reflection — of calculated risks and learning; with no single starting point.
In areas of market failure, higher impact is possible when organized capital is combined with organized constituents.
Transforming places and increasing equity and access require deep commitment and lasting engagement that transcend the transactional.
Borrowers, partners and investors deserve high quality services, transparent and accurate reporting, accountability for effective deployment, and responsible policies.
We encourage and invest in excellence and diversity in our employees, Board members and volunteers. They are our most valuable assets in attracting partners, investors and borrowers who share our values.