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Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

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Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.


Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

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h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

Arrow Text

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

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h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

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h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

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h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.


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h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.

h3 Column content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec mattis elit. Nulla pulvinar vulputate massa, et lobortis velit efficitur eget. Phasellus vel arcu arcu. Integer pharetra finibus risus, sit amet interdum mi facilisis non. Pellentesque consequat eu elit sed congue.


What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Button Text

What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Button Text

What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

What We Do

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Button Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

Excerpt for accordion aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand.

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

We all aspire to live in a neighborhood where our families can be healthy, safe, and joyful. Strong, vibrant neighborhoods expand opportunities for the people who live there and build economic prosperity for entire regions.

However, across the country, many communities, particularly communities of color, face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks that create the foundation for families to thrive. Institutional and systemic racism have excluded too many Americans from the resources they need to have a safe place to live, be healthy, and be financially secure.

Philadelphia (Headquarters)

1700 Market Street, 19th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-3904

TEL 215.574.5800

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Philadelphia (Headquarters)

1700 Market Street, 19th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-3904

TEL 215.574.5800

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Policy Solutions Team

Policy Advisory Board

To further bolster our capacity, Reinvestment Fund’s team has an advisory board that offers feedback and direction regarding our methods and products. The advisory board includes renowned academics and practitioners with various areas of expertise.

Amanda Beswick began her career in mental health services at a time when large institutions were being closed and long-term patients were returning to the community. Housing issues were a significant barrier to people trying to rebuild their lives. As a result of this experience she pursued a career developing affordable housing, which culminated in a ‘special initiatives’ role at the Peabody Trust, one of London largest affordable housing providers. Ms. Beswick then moved on to the Oak Foundation, where over 17 years she built up a significant program of UK and US grant-making designed to address homelessness. Under her leadership the program expanded from service delivery to advocacy; broadened to encompass poverty as a major driver of homelessness; adopted a social rights lens and strategic litigation as an instrument for change; and recognized the part played by research, learning and capacity building. She recently left Oak Foundation to pursue independent work. Ms. Beswick holds a B.A. in psychology and english from Lancaster University and an MSc in policy studies from the University of Bristol.

Charles Branas is Gelman Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University. Dr. Branas has conducted research that extends from urban and rural areas in the US to communities across the globe, incorporating place-based interventions and human geography. His pioneering work on access to medical care has changed the healthcare landscape, leading to the designation of new hospitals and a series of national scientific replications in the US and other countries. His research on gun violence has been cited by landmark Supreme Court decisions, Congress, and the NIH Director. Dr. Branas has also led large-scale scientific work to transform thousands of vacant lots, abandoned buildings and other blighted spaces in improving the health and safety of entire communities. He has led multi-national efforts, producing extensive cohorts of developing nation scientists, national health programs, and worldwide press coverage.

Marland Buckner serves as co-founder and principal of MB2 Solutions LLC, a social impact focused public affairs firm with offices in Washington, DC, and Richmond, VA. Buckner previously served as Director of Federal Government Affairs for Microsoft Corporation in Washington, DC, where he worked closely with senior leadership and executive staff to integrate Microsoft’s philanthropic, policy, and political efforts. Buckner has served as a policy analyst at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Progressive Policy Institute, and his writings have appeared in a variety of publications, and he frequently serves as a commentator and panelist on policy and political issues. Mr. Buckner completed his doctoral examinations at the College of William and Mary and holds a certificate in Business Administration from Georgetown University.

Amanda Beswick began her career in mental health services at a time when large institutions were being closed and long-term patients were returning to the community. Housing issues were a significant barrier to people trying to rebuild their lives. As a result of this experience she pursued a career developing affordable housing, which culminated in a ‘special initiatives’ role at the Peabody Trust, one of London largest affordable housing providers. Ms. Beswick then moved on to the Oak Foundation, where over 17 years she built up a significant program of UK and US grant-making designed to address homelessness. Under her leadership the program expanded from service delivery to advocacy; broadened to encompass poverty as a major driver of homelessness; adopted a social rights lens and strategic litigation as an instrument for change; and recognized the part played by research, learning and capacity building. She recently left Oak Foundation to pursue independent work. Ms. Beswick holds a B.A. in psychology and english from Lancaster University and an MSc in policy studies from the University of Bristol.

Charles Branas is Gelman Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at Columbia University. Dr. Branas has conducted research that extends from urban and rural areas in the US to communities across the globe, incorporating place-based interventions and human geography. His pioneering work on access to medical care has changed the healthcare landscape, leading to the designation of new hospitals and a series of national scientific replications in the US and other countries. His research on gun violence has been cited by landmark Supreme Court decisions, Congress, and the NIH Director. Dr. Branas has also led large-scale scientific work to transform thousands of vacant lots, abandoned buildings and other blighted spaces in improving the health and safety of entire communities. He has led multi-national efforts, producing extensive cohorts of developing nation scientists, national health programs, and worldwide press coverage.

Community Advisory Board

To further bolster our capacity, Reinvestment Fund’s team has an advisory board that offers feedback and direction regarding our methods and products. The advisory board includes renowned academics and practitioners with various areas of expertise.

  • Daniel Betancourt

    Job Title Community First Fund
  • Phyllis Cater

  • Michael Davis

    Sheltering Arms
  • Gabriella DiFilippo

    KIPP New Jersey
  • Rose Gray

    Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha Inc.
  • Jeannine Jacokes

    Partners for the Common Good
  • Robert Jenkins

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • David Kahley

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • Trinita Logue

    Job Title Arc LLC

Policy Advisory Board

To further bolster our capacity, Reinvestment Fund’s team has an advisory board that offers feedback and direction regarding our methods and products. The advisory board includes renowned academics and practitioners with various areas of expertise.

  • Daniel Betancourt

    Job Title Community First Fund
  • Phyllis Cater

  • Michael Davis

    Sheltering Arms
  • Gabriella DiFilippo

    KIPP New Jersey
  • Rose Gray

    Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha Inc.
  • Jeannine Jacokes

    Partners for the Common Good
  • Robert Jenkins

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • David Kahley

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • Trinita Logue

    Arc LLC

Policy Advisory Board

To further bolster our capacity, Reinvestment Fund’s team has an advisory board that offers feedback and direction regarding our methods and products. The advisory board includes renowned academics and practitioners with various areas of expertise.

  • Daniel Betancourt

    Job Title Community First Fund
  • Phyllis Cater

  • Michael Davis

    Sheltering Arms
  • Gabriella DiFilippo

    KIPP New Jersey
  • Rose Gray

    Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha Inc.
  • Jeannine Jacokes

    Partners for the Common Good
  • Robert Jenkins

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • David Kahley

    Renaissance Equity Partners
  • Trinita Logue

    Arc LLC
Employment Openings
Student Internships

Learn more about our Student Internships


A career at Reinvestment Fund is a chance to learn, train and contribute to this work with some of the best in the community development field. It offers opportunitie.

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Dolar Set





S&P Rating



education opportunities for students




people positively impacted


1.5 million

annual patient visits


minority- or women-owned/controlled businesses


23.5 million

square feet of commercial and community facility space


premanent jobs

Select Clients

To further bolster our capacity, Reinvestment Fund’s team has an advisory board that offers feedback and direction regarding our methods and products. The advisory board includes renowned academics and practitioners with various areas of expertise.

  • PA Department of Banking

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Housing Finance Agency

  • PA Department of Community and Economic Development

  • Lorem Ipsum

Private and Nonprofit Institutions
  • Lorem Ipsum

  • Dolar Set

Latest Insights


Year in Review 2023

Impact Story August 12, 2024

MiraclePlace Pasco – Metro Ministries

News August 7, 2024

Building Up Quality Care: Celebrating 10 Years of Fund for Quality 

News August 5, 2024

Reinvestment Fund Summer Newsletter

News July 29, 2024

The Kresge Foundation Invests Millions into Reinvestment Fund’s HBCU Brilliance Initiative 

News July 29, 2024

Reinvestment Fund and the USDA Invest $3 Million to Enhance Healthy Food Access Across Atlanta   


The focus on the individual in FSS’s work puts its clients front and center.


Thanks to FSS Staffing, I have a second chance. I believe in myself again.

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2019 saw Reinvestment Fund partner with Atlanta Emerging Markets, Inc. (AEMI)

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Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities.

“FSS does not discriminate. Regardless of what you look like, when you walk through the door, they help you find a job. Anyone who wants a job, can get one.”