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Grants & Technical Assistance

Social Determinants of Health


Communities need resources and relationships to improve the vital conditions for health and wellbeing in their neighborhoods. The Social Determinants of Health programs at Reinvestment Fund strengthen cross-sector coalitions in cities to cultivate more equitable community development projects and investment systems so all people can thrive – with attainable and humane housing, access to fresh food, quality healthcare and education, safe neighborhoods, and good paying jobs.

Building Healthier, More Equitable Communities (BHEC)

Through grants and convenings, the Building Healthier, More Equitable Communities (BHEC) initiative supports cross-sector coalitions in four New Jersey cities (Asbury Park, Camden, Newark, and Paterson) since 2020 to address the social determinants of health. These New Jersey city coalitions are working on changes to the built environment and the community investment system, including efforts to connect state level resources to support local housing, food access, healthcare, education and workforce solutions that contribute to health, equity and well-being for all residents. BHEC is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).

Invest Health

As a pioneering cross-sector national initiative since 2016, Invest Health is cultivating a learning network of 50 small to mid-sized U.S. cities to develop strategies to increase and leverage private and public investment and accelerate improvements in neighborhoods facing the biggest barriers to better health. Supported by RWJF, Invest Health provides small grants, peer learning exchanges and convenings to: support development of a pipeline of financeable built environment projects, improve the community development investment systems, and prioritize community engagement, data, and equity.

The Data Challenge

In partnership with New York University’s City Health Dashboard (CHD), a free online data and mapping resource, and with support from RWJF, ten Invest Health city teams were selected in 2023 to build data capacity to advance a community or economic development solution for a health and well-being issue in their community. Teams received grants, technical assistance, and peer learning convenings to progress work around a data question that the CHD data could inform.
Invest Health – Buffalo
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Reinvestment Fund’s Invest Health Awards $173,000 in Collaboration Grants to Promote Learning and Network Sustaining Activities Across Cities
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New Capital Solutions to Expand Affordable Housing in Napa, California
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Invest Health – Des Moines
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For more information, contact:

Jennifer Fassbender
Director of Program Initiatives
Leah Rusenko
Program Manager, Social Determinants of Health
Jacob Kraybill
Senior Program Associate, Social Determinants of Health