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Philadelphia ECE Loan Fund


The Philadelphia Early Childhood Education Loan Fund offers flexible and low-interest loans to early childhood education providers in Philadelphia to maintain and improve high-quality early learning environments. 

About the Phila ECE Loan Fund

The Fund offers loans for: 

  • Bridge Loans: Short-term bridge loans to PHLPreK contracts in the fall  
  • Facility improvement projects: Medium term funding for on-site facility improvements 

General Eligibility

  • Licensed center, group, or home child care provider in Philadelphia
  • Keystone STAR 3 or 4 provider (Or STAR 2 provider participating in PHLpreK or other move-up initiatives)
  • Non‐profit or for‐profit organization
  • Currently serving low‐income population (Defined as client population of at least 50% Child Care Works subsidy, or waitlist subsidy, Head Start/Early Head Start, or Pre‐K Counts, or PHLpreK)
  • Positive attendance trends and strong business plan

Applications for facility loans are open and accepted on a rolling basis, see below for details! (Inquiries for bridge loans will be accepted each August).

Loan Type

Bridge Loans

Deadline to submit Loan Inquiry has passed. We are able to process a limited number of loans each fall. Loans are reviewed on a first come basis.

Providers accepted for PHLpreK for FY25 may apply for short-term bridge loans to help sustain cash flow through the fall. The general maximum loan size for the Phila ECE Loan Fund is $50,000*. Providers may apply for a loan equal to up to 2.5 months of their PHLpreK contract. Loan repayments will align with the first five PHLpreK reimbursements. The loan must be fully repaid by April 1.   

*Providers with PHLpreK awards of 20+ seats may apply for a larger loan but owners(s) must additionally complete a credit check, share personal tax returns, serve as a personal guarantor, and share a signed PHLpreK Contract for loan closing. Closing cannot be scheduled for loan requests over $50,000 until PHLPreK contracts are signed.  

Application Process:

Facility Improvement Loan

If you are interested in a loan for facility improvements, please complete a Contact Sheet and provide information about your proposed project. Please email the completed form to

Submit a Contact Sheet

For More Information, Contact:

Karen Bustard
Senior Program Manager
Fund for Quality
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