Approximately one in five people in Mid-South Food Bank’s (MSFB) service area are food insecure, meaning that they do not have access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Additionally, 11% of the people in its service area live in a block group identified as having limited access to food retail resulting in an additional barrier to accessing healthy food.
MSFB is unable to accept all the donated product it is offered currently, limiting its ability to reach almost half of the food insecure population in its communities. Its current warehouses are not up to food safety standards and it is estimated that the food bank spends nearly $1,000 a day overcoming operational challenges that could otherwise provide food to low-income families. The project will renovate a newly purchased 227,000-square-foot warehouse to include ample cold storage, volunteer space, and a choice pantry open during evening hours.
In FY2016-2017, the food bank distributed 12 million pounds of food and household items through the following programs:
This project will also allow the food bank to establish a choice food pantry. Choice pantries are designed to provide clients the ability to “shop” for their food. Not only are these pantries favored for a more dignified experience for the client, they also reduce waste, allowing clients to select food that meets their dietary preferences.
The food bank will also have evening hours for the pantry to specifically serve working families unable to visit other pantries that are often volunteer run and typically limited to daytime hours.
Reinvestment Fund is one of three CDEs in the New Markets Tax Credit transaction, providing $8 million of NMTC allocation. National Community Investment Fund and U.S. Bank are the other CDEs. U.S. Bank is also the investor. Reinvestment Fund is also providing a loan to bridge capital campaign proceeds secured by the food bank to fund the leverage loan.
Reinvestment Fund announces a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Pre-Qualified Technical Energy Service Providers to expand our capacity in clean energy and energy efficiency projects. This effort aligns with our current work to expand our clean energy lending portfolio and broader sustainability impacts.