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In 2017, Reinvestment Fund conducted an initial analysis of the supply of and demand for child care in the five-county metro Atlanta region (Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett counties), to identify areas where targeted investments could help address shortages of high-quality child care.

In addition, an interactive web-based tool, the ATL ACCESS Map: Atlanta Child Care and Early Learning Supply, was created to present the results of this analysis, accessible to the public at The analysis and mapping tool complement existing tools and initiatives in the region to increase access to high-quality child care. With this information, funders, practitioners, and advocates can make data-informed decisions about where resources and interventions are needed most, and where those investments are filling a demonstrable gap in supply.

This report, developed with support from the Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, presents the results of descriptive and spatial analyses of the child care landscape in the five-county region in 2018 and includes analysis of changes observed since the initial 2017 study.

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