The home-based child care sector serves millions of families and is playing a critical role during the COVID-19 crisis. Yet many providers are on the brink of collapse. Philanthropy can act swiftly and boldly to support this essential service. Explore the Home-Based Child Care Emergency Fund: Sustaining our nation’s diverse home-based child care community toolkit, for action funders can take now.
More than 7 million children ages five and under are in home-based child care (HBCC). The vast majority of HBCC providers are low-income women serving families in need. They are some of the lowest compensated workers in the early childhood sector and often lack health insurance.
HBCC is crucial in the current COVID-19 health crisis as child care centers close, but essential workers continue to need child care. These providers are faced with a nearly impossible choice: remain open at great risk to their and families’ health, or close and risk losing their livelihood. A loss of income, even if temporary, could be devastating to their ability to provide care; many would close permanently.
Philanthropy can and should act quickly to support home-based child care at this critical moment. Join us as we work to maintain the supply of HBCC, to ensure access to child care for essential workers, and to stabilize the economic and housing status of HBCC caregivers and providers.
Home Grown and Reinvestment Fund have created this toolkit to outline actions funders and intermediaries can take now. The Toolkit is a road map for funders and intermediaries who wish to establish a regional emergency fund. It includes strategies for selecting partners, developing grant materials, managing data and payment, as well as sample applications, a work plan, and budget tools. The toolkit guides funders and intermediaries to quickly deploy funds and respond to the needs of their communities.
Support the home-based child providers in your community. Explore the toolkit now.
Additional Resources:
Reinvestment Fund announces a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Pre-Qualified Technical Energy Service Providers to expand our capacity in clean energy and energy efficiency projects. This effort aligns with our current work to expand our clean energy lending portfolio and broader sustainability impacts.