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News April 13, 2023

Philadelphia Food Justice Initiative Funding Round is Now Open

Topic Healthy Food
Geography Pennsylvania

The Philadelphia Food Justice Initiative (PFJI) is seeking innovative proposals from community-led projects that build food justice for a fourth round of funding. PFJI is a partnership of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention (CDIP), also known as Get Healthy Philly, and Reinvestment Fund, funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant. Additional support comes from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund.

$500,000 in funding is available for innovative projects aimed at creating more healthy food options in Philadelphia. Non-profits, businesses, cooperatives and collectives can apply for up to $100,000 each. There is no minimum grant award.

If you have been feeding your community and need support to scale up and take the next step, we want to hear from you. If you have been community organizing and capacity building and see a clear way to include healthy food in your work, we want to hear from you. If you are a budding entrepreneur with a fresh idea, we want to hear from you. If you make, grow, cook or sell food, we want to hear from you.

PFJI is open to anyone in the city of Philadelphia. Nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, cooperatives or collectives working on food justice are eligible to apply and can seek up to $100,000 for their project.

Applications are due May 26, 2023. Visit our webpage to learn how to apply, register for the info session, and more.



Above photo of Ashley Gripper, Founding Organizer of Land Based Jawns (2021 Grantee)
Photo credit: Wren Rene.


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About Reinvestment Fund
Reinvestment Fund is a mission-driven financial institution committed to making communities work for all people. We bring financial and analytical tools to partnerships that work to ensure that people in communities across the country have the opportunities they strive for: affordable places to live, access to nutritious food and health care, schools where their children can flourish, and strong, local businesses that support jobs. We use data to understand markets and how transactions can have the most powerful impact, which has consistently earned us the top Aeris rating of AAA for financial strength and four stars for impact management. Our asset and risk management systems have also earned us an A+ rating from S&P. Since our inception in 1985, Reinvestment Fund has provided over $2.7 billion in financing to strengthen neighborhoods, scale social enterprises, and build resilient communities. Learn more at

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